Friday 13 April 2012


EMAGAZINE FIRST: There's a lot of misplaced perceptions of what beauty truly is and many blame it on the media. What is your definition of what beauty is?
GHISLAINE: Yes, the media does influence a lot of what beauty is perceived to be. I think beauty is in the eye of the beholder, in my opinion it's beautiful when you accept and love yourself, including all imperfections. It's all about the connection that your inner self makes with your outer self. In the end, beauty is about inner peace, happiness and acceptance. These feelings will always reflect outwards and show true beauty. When I was young, I was teased a lot about my big nose and big lips but I embraced my features and I celebrate them everyday with a flare and a pout.

EMF: Should beauty be preserved or celebrated?
GHISLAINE: Oh yes, it should be celebrated, regardless of what everyone else, especially the media says. People and life are beautiful.

EMF: What's the one thing a girl should never leave the house without?
GHISLAINE: Lip Gloss. A little lip gloss goes a long way.

EMF: Would you tell a "Plus-Size" friend she should at least wear long shirts with her leggings? Why/Why not?

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